Dueño del Castillo
Guild Master
La batalla comienza en
18h 13m 39s
Información del servidor
General Information
Server Version Season 6 Episode 3
Experience x10
Drop 30%
Reset Limit 5
Points per Reset 200
Currency WCoin(C), WCoin(P), GoblinPoint

Level you can create PJ
Dark Wizard 1
Dark Knight 1
Elf 1
Magic Gladiator 180
Dark Lord 200
Summoner 1
Rage Fighter 200


/warp [map]

/move [map]
Move to another map.
/pkclear Clear killer status
/post [message] Sends a message to the whole server.
/addstr [points] Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [points] Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [points] Adds points to Life.
/addene [points] Adds points to Energy.
/addcom [points] Adds points to Command.
/request [on/off]

/re [on/off]
Enable / disable requests in-game.
/partyleader [name] Change partyleader.
/setparty [password] Set a password for autoparty command.
/autoparty [name] Send party to [name] user.
/offexp [number] You can afk-lvl disconnected from the game.
/offtrade [currency] Offline personal shop with currency:

zen, wcoin, bless, soul, creation, chaos, life
/marry [name] Marry with another user.
/acceptmarry Accept the marry propose.
/divorce Divorce from your partner (partner online)
/forcedivorce Divorce from your partner (partner offline)
/tracemarry Follow your partner.
/marrystatus Give information about your marry status

OffExp numbers

9 Evil Spirits
16 Soul Barrier
24 Triple Shot
27 Greater Defense
39 Ice Storm
41 Twisting Slash
43 Death Stab
55 Fire Slash
56 Power Slash
61 Fireburst
78 Fire Scream
225 Pollution (Book of Lagle)
230 Lightning Shock
235 Multi-Shot
237 Gigantic Storm
238 Chaotic Diseier
262 Chain Drive
263 Dark Side
264 Dragon Roar


F1 Help
F2 Chat Window show/hide
F6 Chat Expanded enable/disable
F7 News window / TimeTable Events
F10 Cam on/off
F11 Cam reset
F12 Minimizer
End Time show/hide

Información del Servidor

Server 1 ONLINE
Cuentas totales3,533
Personajes totales6,085
Guilds totales69
Usuarios en línea356